Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 2011

So -
it's been a while since i've put fingers to keyboard, for that i apologize. I actually think about this blog almost everyday, always contemplating what i'll post for you, i just never get around to actually writing anything. that doesn't mean mommy doesn't love you- it's just that i'm a little lazy.

in about two weeks you will be two months shy from your second birthday! i can't believe it!!! you are getting so big, so pretty so quickly. your personality is definitely coming through now. you are pretty stubborn, and can communicate so wonderfully! you can tell us when it's time for you to eat, "i hungee!", and "i thurstee", you can tell us that you want "milk" "awaa" or "soda" (which you say pretty dang clearly, actually) (also- you're not really supposed to drink soda, but dad gives it to you anyway) and you've recently started tell us that you "don't want that!" or "i like that!". it's pretty cute. I've taught you to pray, with your hands together, head bowed with an "AMEN" at the end, and of course your dad taught you how to do the "sign of the cross". :)  I'm protestant, he's catholic, go figure.

each night around 8-ish, we give you a bath (every other night) then dry your hair, and go to moms bed for a story. we're reading Aesop's Fables and Angelina Ballerina, which you call "Rina!". we've taught you how to say i love you ("i luv oo") and when we sing the skina-ma-rink song, you'll sing along with the i love yous. :)

you always fall asleep after three stories


you are so sweet, and so much fun to play with. you are also very determined, and when you want something, you definitely don't have patience for waiting for it, or understanding that it sometimes simply, can't be had. when i call you, you never come the first, second, third or fourth time. Like when i say "no" to something or "stop" you only heed when the threat of spanking or time out are introduced. This is a little unfortunately, and a tad disappointing because i feel like i'm supporting a negative environment. we're getting through, though- and patience will come in time from you. my patience is getting longer, and every week it becomes easier to see things in perspective. 

The other day, we were in the car, driving to pick up your grandpa from work, and the whole way there i was singing Ray Charles' ""i've gotta women". as soon as i started you would yell "Stop That!!" and would make eye contact with me in the rear-view mirror and we would both laugh. Hard. we were having an awesome time playing, and i couldn't help but think of my own mom. we would do something similar, where she would torture us with something (usually zydeco, or NPR) and we would scream for her to "Stop It" or "Change it!". this memory came back to me fondly, and when we picked up grandpa, i told him the game we were playing- he mentioned riding in the car with my mom when we were younger, too. wasn't just me. 

So far this year has been a good one- you had a well baby check on Feb 2nd. you weighed 28.9 lbs, and were 34.8 inches long. that's 2 feet 9inches. :) Erin told me that you are supposed to take the height of children at age two, and double it. This is the height that you'll be when your an adult. if that's true- and you don't grow much between then and your second birthday, you be 5 feet 8 inches tall. i think that sounds about right. Kyrsten turned two (i can't believe it) and your new baby cousin Trenton was born on daddy's birthday!! 
6 lbs 14 oz. 

He is so amazing! he looks a lot like Kyrsten when she was born. you went with Grandpa and i to the hospital to visit Aunt Erin and Uncle Chris. you were...okay. It was a little late, and you were getting cranky.
Born March 11th 2011 @ 3:15pm 

Trenton Christopher Masterson
So Cute. you were sick a couple of day's in February with an ear infection, and again in March (another ear infection). we couldn't really hang out and see the new baby, because we didn't want to get anyone else sick. 

pretty girl
you and daddy, back yard

sammy with a puppy that grandma ended up taking home

you and friends at daycare 
right before school
Playing with Grandpa's Vietnam Vet hat


you are just so pretty when you smile!

this picture makes me happy
front porch with daddy

silver processed picture

you and daddy, at home

I stayed home with you on my birthday this year, and we had a lot of fun playing. i took the next friday off, as well- after my trip from las vegas. guess what? this friday is battle of the flowers, so daddy's staying home with you! and NEXT friday, your school is closed, so we're going to have to figure out what to do with you then too! 

Saturday, we're supposed to go downtown with your dad's godparents to watch the night parade. it's fiesta! the following weekend is easter weekend, and there are a lot of things planned! saturday i invited the grandmas to come by and dye/decorate easter eggs, sunday we're supposed to go up to have an easter egg hunt at aunt erin's and uncle chris' church. i can't wait for this one, because we get to see chris, erin, kyrsten and trenton! yippee! 

anway- i love you very much, and will try to post more often, i promise. 

love you! 

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