Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 2011

 Hello Samantha!
1st Day of life. 
Guess what?! you are going to be TWO YEARS OLD in almost exactly 2 weeks from today!!! can you even believe it?! i absolutely cannot believe how quickly time has gone by. it seems like it was only a few months (and a lifetime) ago that we were bringing you home from the hospital. it was so hard at first, but it got easier. after a while...

You were the tiniest, littlest, little baby i had ever seen!  you had long fingers, and long toes. and there was a HUGE space between your big toes and all the other toes.

we took you home when you were three days old, and tried our best to take care of you just as the nurses had instructed us to. they give you instructions! at first.

then it's all DOWN HILL!  j/k. you have been a complete and absolute pleasure in our lives. you are still the sweetest little girl i've ever met. you give lots of hugs and kisses, and always tell me and your dad "i love you!, i love you too!". there are so many thing s you can say it's amazing. you are beautiful, intelligent and a very real blessing. i am so. proud. of. you. words cannot express how very proud of you i am.

Brand New Baby
i cuddled so much with you, just like i do now. i can't believe how small you were!

it's hard to capture that feeling and describe it, of when i stayed home with you after you were born. maybe another post, for another time. it was wonderful, and i look back on it fondly.

your daddy didn't know what to do with you! i think he was in blissful shock. :) he knew that he loved you with all of his heart, and wanted you to be happy, and healthy. i know he was extremely proud of you too.

1 month old.

And you have grown and grown and grown! you've mad our lives richer, and better. you have injected love and excitement into our lives that i would never have imagined.

11 mos old

Almost 1 year old. 
14 mos old.
16 mos. 

i definitely have more to tell you. but i'm going to  break it into pieces, and leave it here, for now.

i love you,


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