Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Beginning of October 2010

Hello little one! it's been a while since I've been able to post anything, and for that i'm sorry! the last few months have been a little hectic. We didn't end up going back to the beach before summer was over, which was unfortunate, however here we are and we have lots of stuff to go over!

In October, Nanny and i took you back to Medina, TX and got your picture again with the pumpkins and animals, at Love Creek Orchards. We went to the Apple store, and this time i got you a little green "Apple Store" t shirt and some books about farms. One of them has little flaps that you can pick up, and the other one you LOVE to have me read to you every night before bed. :) it's a good snuggle time.
Apple Tree Farm
They make the biggest apple pies at the apple store you can get and i want to bring one home to your dad, but they're a little expensive. It's beautiful out there, though. The drive is pretty nice too. This year i got my dad some honey sticks, i got myself a new tea towel, and i bought a little jar of apple butter to give your grandparents. Unfortunately, you picked it up and threw it in the tub and it shattered everywhere! Ugh. Well, maybe next year!

Speaking of bed, you are still sleeping in our room, but in your crib. You have come to terms that this is where you sleep and anything outside of this arrangement doesn't suffice. When you are put in it, you (sometimes) grudgingly lay down and assume the (sleeping) position: faced down, on your pillow, hand outstretched so i can hold it with my hand through the bars of your "sleeping safety cage". if i leave before you're completely asleep you get pretty upset, but sometimes i just have to get out of there and let you rest. You only cry for about a minute, then resign to the sleeping. if i stay in there and wait for you to fall asleep, it takes forever because you play with my hands instead of going to sleep. Sometimes i'll wind the little mobile that's above your crib and let it play until it runs out. that always seems to work on your little sleepy mind. :)

Your Great-Grandparents in the valley brought a bed for you that was your Grandpa Bob's bunk bed with his sister Kathy when they were little. Apparently your great grandfather just cut it in half and gave one to your grandpa and one to your great aunt. Your grandparents gave it to us, along with a new mattress and box spring. we're going to paint the wooden head and foot board while to match your dresser, and i already went out and got your bedding at target. It follows the same tree-birdie-owl graphic i painted on your bedroom wall:
Tree/Bird mural

nature/tree/owl bedding

Owl Pillow
SO: your bedroom is starting to transform itself from a nursery to a little girls room, for that is what you are quickly becoming. as each stage of your development moves swiftly through our lives, i find myself wanting to shout to the skies at the top of my lungs "wait! i'm not ready!". such is a selfish way of being, but what's a mother to do? i heard it described so perfectly by someone the other day, that as adults we don't really change very dramatically from day to day, but as children we definitely grow and change rapidly as each day progresses, and it can be a hard reality to grasp when truly faced with it. Your dad seemed kind of sad when slowly all of the small changes in your room started to come together and surface as a different room. A child's room.

When your dad and i went in for your 15 month checkup the doctor asked us a few routine questions: "is she off of formula and drinking milk?" Check. "Is she crawling, walking?" Check!" Has she started solid foods and does she say a few words?" absolutely. "alright then, looks like we have a child now and not a baby anymore!". heartbreak. even your dad said something about it later that day...out of the blue. He must have been thinking about it too, "that was kind of dick of the doctor to say she was a kid now, and not a baby anymore". my sentiments exactly. it's almost an offense! at least we were on the same page. :) 

This post is getting a little long, so i'll leave you with this: at 27 pounds, 32 inches long with an 18 inch head circumference on October 4th, you are my absolute angel and i love you with all my heart.


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