Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26th 2010

Dear Samantha:
Hello! I love you! I hope this letter is finding you well! My dear, our trip down to the valley was AWESOME!  When I got home from work that day, Dad had pretty much packed everything he needed, everything he thought you and I needed, but alas! He was woefully unprepared (as men are wont to do with Women's Needs). That's okay though, that's why were so good with each other. What he forgets, I remember and vice versa. so we drove down to Edinburg and you slept the whole way. Boy were you surprised at where you woke up!

Samantha with cousins Bella and Ariella at Great-Grandma Salazar's

We were finally able to introduce you to everyone, and we got to eat sushi and tacos,and we stayed up late and played, and you met all of your cousins.

Samantha at the beach

THEN we drove to South Padre Island and swam in a swimming pool for the first time and stayed in a condo and went to the beach! You didn't know what to do with all that sand and when I took you in to the ocean you clung onto me and then fell asleep! Right in the middle of the sea. It was so sweet. All three of us got bad sunburns and spent way too much money, but it was definitely worth it. I absolutely want to go back before the summer is over.

1 years old
We had such a great time! At this time you are a year and almost a month old!! We had a party at our house on Lee Hall for you, and everyone came and most brought presents. You got a whole slew of brand new toys to play with. we made a ton of food, and dad and his friends partied all night long afterwards. Everyone had a really good time. :)

You are growing into such a beautiful little girl!  You can walk and run all over the house, you can pick up your toys and you know them by name, and you can feed yourself. I'm certainly mourning your infant-hood, and sometimes pine for the incredibly tiny little baby you once were. But each day is exciting and fun, and each night i give you a bath I marvel at how big your getting.

I love you so much! Here's to the year we've spent together, it seems like it went by in a blink of an eye, and here's to another year growing and laughing.

Perfect Little Girl

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