Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28, 2010

Dear Samantha:
It's been a while since I've been able to write to you. I always have this blog in the back of my mind, chock full of stuff that i want to say, but it quickly becomes harder and harder to put into words how i feel about you! i want to desperately encompass every bit of our lives together and it becomes so overwhelming! Today is the 28th, and in TWO days you will be ELEVEN months old!!! you've been able to sit and crawl for a while now, i think it happened around 8 months old. You also got your first two teeth around the same time. Now you're a pro crawler and a couple of weeks ago you started walking! SOO cute! you can Frankenstein it all over the house, and you do. I've noticed that you generally like to be around us, in the same room as us and usually don't venture too far from where we are, which is pretty cute. You have two more teeth, totaling four; Two on top and two on the bottom. The two on top have a little gap in between both of them. You are starting to string together syllables and it sounds like sentences in another language when you talk. you are STILL sleeping with us at night, and i guess it will be like that for a while. Listen, i don't want you to think that i don't absolutely love snuggling with you each night because i absolutely do. i just feel like you would be better off in your own little room, having your own space. i have a feeling of guilt when i tell people that you're still in bed with us, which is hard to overcome, however it's becoming more clear that our bed is your nighttime place, and it's quickly becoming where you belong. you're still going to day care during the week, wed-fri. and your dad's parents take you mon.-tue. we're starting to really groove into a routine!
We still need to get you a Toddler car seat. as of yet your about 24-25 lbs, and your still using your baby one. They're kind of expensive, so we've had to wait a little while before we can get you an "upgrade". hopefully this weekend we'll get you one.

So we got a few seasons of "How i met your mother" and "The Big Bang Theory" and whenever the theme songs come on for those shows you always dance/bop up and down. I love it. i think you do it to "two and a half men", too. basically whenever you hear music that has a good beat, you'll bop up and down in time to it.  we went to our first fiesta with you last month! we put you in a pink fiesta dress, and put a fiesta crown on you. you were the hit of the whole parade! Your dad's god parents Sonya and Andy work for the mayors office (Julian Castro) and we got VIP seating behind the regular lines, and it was catered by Mi Tierras! we shared the bench seats with a former SA Mayor! he was there with his grandkids. i snapped a picture of him when he wasn't looking.

So you're dad just texted me a little while ago, to see if i wanted to go down to the Valley to see his grandparents, and your aunt's and uncles', cousins, i said sure. It's memorial day weekend, so why not? he's at home now packing up everything he thinks we might need, so looks like we're heading down to Edinburgh! i'll let you know how it went, i know everyone is REALLY excited to see you!

a couple of weekends mom and i took you to the Zoo for the first time! it was beautiful. we had a good time, you behaved, and we got to see a lot of the animals. My favorite part was watching you watch the monkey's jump around, and the birds flying. it was so cute to see your little head follow those little animals around their cage. :) Then i think, last weekend, Dad and me and your dad took you to Kiddie Park, and the Witte Museum. your dad rode with you on the Carousel since it was one of the only things you could go on (you're still a little small) and by the second or third go around you were hanging onto your dad like crazy, slowly falling off the horse! it got hot, so we went over to the witte, and you did pretty good- you got to walk around, and look at the different little things in the kids tree house. :) I'm not sure what we'll do next weekend, maybe we'll blow up your swimming pool and get you a bathing suit so you can swim around the back yard!

i think that'll be fun.

Samantha, i love you so much!! you are my precious little baby girl, and i can't wait to see what's  ahead for us. Your dad is simply over the moon for you, and we always miss you every day we're at work away from you. :)

I'll let you know how the Valley visit goes, and if there are any new memories for me to share with you!


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