Monday, February 8, 2010

February 2010

Dear Samantha:
Hello my pretty! Today is February 8th, 2010. You are about 7 1/2 months old. It just started pouring outside, and it's been raining on and off for a week now. Saturday was beautiful, however and we spent the day cleaning up the house. i strapped you to my back like a papoose, and you loved it! Every now and then you would put your little head down on my back, and it felt like you were saying "i love you" even though it probably just meant that you were tired. i would run around, sweep the house then run to the bedroom so we could see each other in the mirror, laugh, smile, then run around and mop the floors. This went on for HOURS! Of course we took a couple of breaks for your naps (2) and lunch/snack. To date you are eating cereal, green beans, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, squash and little puff banana/apple thingies. So far, I've eaten everything you have (with the exception of breast milk, because that's kind of groady) and you are growing like a weed! Monday and Tuesdays your grandma and grandpa Salazar takes you in the morning, and i meet them after work at the Taco Cabana on the Theo/Malone exit off of 35 to pick you up. Kid Swap! Wednesday thru Friday i take you to the Lincoln Heights Methodist church day care, and you love it. You always smile and laugh when you see the people there, and you love to watch the other babies crawl around.    
     The rodeo is in town! i wanted to take you there to your first Rodeo, but your grandparent think they are your parents and will probably take you instead. That's another story, of course. i love them very much, and they certainly do help us out in a lot of different ways, but there really is a high price tag sometimes, that has to be paid. When you were really little, after i had to go back to work, we had your dad's cousin Ellie take care of you. It was nice to have you so close, i was still breastfeeding you pretty regularly, and i would come home on my lunch break to feed you. It was one of the best parts of my day! there were some problems with that arrangement, unfortunately it's hard to have someone in your home, as i'm sure it's hard to be in someone else house taking care of their little girl. Often we would come home and find other people/family members in the house or had just been there, or our bed was slept in, or our shower was being used. It was kind of a relief when we put you in day care, as it was a far less complicated relationship. At your last appointment you weigh 20 lbs!! we had to take you to the doctor one morning a few weeks ago for an urgent check up. You had a major fever (at 104.5) and your cheeks were so red it was heartbreaking. You vomited on me and we gave you Tylenol until we could get you to the doctor's office. Turns out you had a pretty bad ear infection. The doctor took a look in your ear, and said it was as red as a fire truck! he prescribed antibiotics that we were to shoot into the back of your throat with a needless syringe, twice a day for 10 days. Poor thing. You did really well, however. You only cried a little bit, and it was clear you didn't feel good, but you didn't really have a "melt down" or anything like what you hear from other parents. You sure are a tough little girl! They told us that at the appointment, and whenever you have to get your shots, you never cry TOO much. You are so strong and healthy that it's incredible! We are so blessed!
     As of today, you can definitely sit up by yourself, and scoot around on your butt to get to things. you don't really crawl yet, but you can lift up on all fours, and wiggle back and forth.  One of my co-workers gave us a whole bunch of Disney Cartoons (VHS) and i used to be able to sit you on the bed, bolstered with pillows all around, with all of your toys laid out before you, and pop in one of those "princess movies' while i took a shower and got dressed in the morning.  This would keep you occupied until i got out, and then i would dress you. The other morning, i got out of the shower and went to the bedroom and looked at the spot wher you had been. I saw all of your toys, but no baby!! i looked down next to the bed ON THE FLOOR, and THERE YOU WERE! Playing with my suitcase, just as happy as can be. i couldn't believe it. time slowed down while my eyes scanned the bed, then found you. I instantly picked you up and hugged you. I felt terrible and wondered if you had cried when i was in the shower. But i was also bemused, because you looked so happy down there!  :( Oy Vey! looks like i can't do that anymore! Now we have your "fun chair" to stick you in if you wake up in the morning before i get in the shower. you are still sleeping with us in bed at night, even though you take your naps in your crib. I desperately want to get you in your own room at night, but your father is having a hard time with it, and sleeps better when your in my arms at night. You're just so little!  my fear is that you will be 3 years old and still sleeping with mommy and daddy.
     Samantha, i have to tell you how much i love you and how much my day lights up when you smile. I really thought that those stories people tell about how they sappily felt when their kids smiled at them was crap, but it really brighten the whole day. I can't wait to get you to smile, or laugh and it has turned into an addiction! You are such a good, happy baby! you rarely have fits, or cry too much, or have the dreaded melt downs. i can pretty much take you anywhere and if you are fed, clean and dry you are perfectly content to sit and watch people, or play happily with whatever is on the table in front of you. I am so proud to have you with me.  I love you so much!
     Right now you are with your grandparents, and your dad is sick at home. He works so hard for the both of us, he deserves a break every now and then. where would we be if we didn't have him! lonely and sad, that's where! He loves you so much that words can't describe it. He talks to you, and sings, and plays with you. He changes your diaper without complaint, and usually is the one that makes you a bottle. I simply cannot believe that you are almost eight months old! Your cousin Kyrsten is having her 1st birthday party in just a couple of weeks, and you are right behind her! where has the time gone?
      It's almost 5 o'clock which means, it's almost time to go pick you up at the Taco Cabana and i'm having a hard time waiting! i always miss you most on Mondays, since i spend so much time with you on the weekends. Monday's are always hard.
     I love you so much, and you are so beautiful, that i cannot wait to kiss your cheeks and have you home. See you soon, my little chickadee!


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