Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cold January-6 months, week two.

Man it is really cold outside! it's 36 degrees and WINDY. i had to bundle you up this morning, and it only got colder!

There have been some changes in our lives! We had our first thanksgiving with you, as well as our first Christmas and New Years. Your dad got you your bouncy play chair as your big present this year, and you got a lot of wonderful, beautiful things from people. Grandpa Masterson got you some clothes and books, Grandma Masterson got you your own little baby head! this was subject to much discussion! she made them herself, and it was a very nice gesture, just...weird! :) we all had a good laugh over them. She made one for Kyrsten, too. Grandma & Grandpa Salazar gave you a little wooden bike from the pottery barn. It's so pretty! along with a tea set, and a pink and silver cup. (i know, it's weird, there's is only one and i don't know what you do with just that one). Uncle Chris and Aunt Erin got you your little duck/platypus pillow.

This year for Christmas, i think we're going to travel around on Christmas Eve, and then stay home, just the three of us, on Christmas day. you'll already be a year and half old then!

Yesterday we enrolled you in your first day of day care. We put you in the Los Angeles Heights Methodist day care, around the corner from the house on Lee Hall. The first day was pretty sad. I left and cried all the way to work, your dad thought about you all day and cried after he got you home. it's sad to leave your kids with strangers. you just looked so little sitting there on the carpet playing with toys. :( i just imagined you red faced and crying for me, and it breaks my heart that i can't be with you during the day. we have to be really tough! it's definitely not an easy choice, and it involves a lot of sacrifice, but it is what's best for right now.

you are growing so much! at your last doctor's appointment with Dr. Benbow,  you weighed 19 1/2 lbs, and were about 27 inches tall! he said you looked better than great, and you're doing very well.

we started you on cereal and foods!!! i was so excited to give you your first taste of vegetables i could hardly contain my self! i started with Carrots, and then moved to peas. you pretty much love them both. I think you like the idea of eating. It's fun! i'm still breast feeding, and we're still giving you formula. no wonder your growing like a weed! you're my little fat baby and i love you so much! i can see changes in you, however. Your getting longer and leaner, and your able to sit up and play with your toys! your developing awesomely, and i'm so proud of you. You are also talking/babbling and screaming more. it's so cute! Last night i just laid in bed, and just watched you play until i fell asleep. Then you shouted at me to wake up! :)  we're still sleeping together because it's been so cold outside, and we don't have central air and heat. All three of us in bed.

i'm starting to mourn the end of your infancy already, and it makes me sad. but it means that your growing and learning, and becoming a more active participant in life, and that exciting trade off is worth it.  my favorite time is still in the morning when it's just the two of us snuggled in bed together. sometimes i'll wake up after you, and i'll look down to see if your awake and your already looking at me! it makes me laugh!

You're such a beautiful girl. we'll get through this beginning states of day care, and it'll be a second home for you, and you will learn and flourish and grow even more there. i have a good feeling about it.

now if we can get your dad more on board, we'll be in business!

Till next time!
I love you!

Your mom.

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