Friday, November 6, 2009

My Little four month old!

Hello Samantha!
My, you are growing into a beautiful child! Last Friday, October 30th was your 4 month anniversary of your birth day. We went to the doctor's office, and he said you were thriving wonderfully, and doing well!
You weighed: 17 pounds,
You were: 26 1/2 inches long,
and your head circumference was: 16.50 inches around.
This placed you in the 95 % for height and weight, and 75 % for Head Circum.!

at 2 months you weighed 13.63 pounds,
you were 24 inches long
and had a head Cir. of 15.75.

yes ma'am you are a-growing!!!

As a matter of fact, i think i'll keep this blog around so that i can write to you from time to time, just to tell you how proud of you i am. :) and to tell you, of course how pretty you are! (and how much i love you, i guess!)

Samantha, you are our first child.

I say that both because i'm marveling at that fact, and because we do plan on you having some siblings in the future. (If it were up to me there would be 2 more, but i think your dad is gonna win that fight, for just one more. :( but that's ok!)

To say that we were in a state of shock when we brought you home was a little bit of an understatement! Your dad and i didn't know what to do with each other much less, with you!! i had a tough time getting you into the world. my blood pressure was high, so they made us come a couple of weeks early to the hospital to deliver you early. That's another story. :/ once we got home, i stayed home with you for several weeks. we were pretty much inseparable! i took a lot of pictures of you, marveled at you, watched you and generally got to know you! you weren't aware of too many things then, but you knew how to scream! sometimes you still scream LOUD when you are hungry. :) I'm not talking about crying loudly, i'm talking about a shrill piercing, horror movie worthy kill-scream. You definitely know what you want when you want it!!

i'm still breastfeeding you, which is a miracle because i didn't know how long i would last. i figured i would have given up already!! I'm proud that I've gone this long, and feel like i'm giving you something good. you haven't had any ear infections yet, and there hasn't been any digestion issues. Hopefully your good health will continue for as long as possible! i simply thank god at how healthy you are! when you think about all the different things that can go utterly wrong when you are conceiving a child, and then all the things that can happen through delivery and infant-hood, it's incredible that you are here and that you are perfect!

At this stage in your life, you can stand when we are holding you, only slightly, and can do those little baby mini-push ups. It's cute when we put you in the cradle on your stomach at night, and you push up with your arms and start looking all over the room. your such a curious little thing! Sometime i catch you just listening. it's pretty neat. I feel like i'm watching you grow!

i have several favorite times of the day right now, mostly they revolve around feeding you. :) Whenever i come home from work i love to grab you and hug you and kiss you all over your chubby little cheeks. i miss you all the time, and can't wait to get home to you. Mornings have to be my favorite of all the other favorite times of the day, though.

It's definitely a different thing being a mom. i'm so knew at this, i don't really feel like a mom yet. I feel like a young woman, pretending to be an adult who happens to also be married with a baby. I'm almost 30 for crying out loud, you would think i would feel like an adult already, but i don't. I don't think your dad does either.

When i look back at the pictures of your birth and everything from then on, i just can't believe how much you have changed! it's incredible! you look like an entirely different baby. you were 10 lbs lighter, and 6 1/2 inches shorter then, too, you know.

I have so much to share with you, but this blog is starting to get a little long, and i should wrap this up.

wait until i tell you all about your Dad (how he is right now, compared to how is is when you actually read this) and your family (oy vey, maybe that's not a good idea!).

Anyway, i love you so much! i can't wait to see you in just a little while!! i'm told your asleep right now with your dad. so sweet! i can't wait until i can get home to you!

Your mom,

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