Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sept 2, 2011

There are a lucky 6 people in the entire universe that have had the pleasure of snuggling with you at night. They are: your parents and both grandparents. i feel sorry for my mom most, she doesn't like to be bothered... well- at all really, but mostly when she's trying to go to sleep. I've mentioned in several posts, that this is my favorite time with you- but i can certainly understand how frustrating it can be for other people who are not your parents. i'm laughing just thinking about it!

Each night, we take a bath (as mentioned before), read a story, and you go to sleep in your crib after a couple of night time songs. i usually come to bed anywhere between 11:00pm - 1:00am (along with your dad) and we all sleep peacefully in our respective spots, as it should be. then anywhere around 1am-3am you wake up and want to come into bed with me. i usually don't remember getting up and putting you in bed, i'm still asleep, and it's done automatically now. I don't know how to even break you of this habit, it' so ingrained. You've trained me!

it takes you a while to settle, you usually get back to sleep relatively quickly i assume, but you do this "hand thing" where you want to hold hands but you also want to turned your hands over and over in my hands. (it's hard to explain) and then you forcibly place your foot in my hands, and this goes on for a while. until i can hear my mom and my dad tell you to "knock it off", in my mind. i'm so used to it, it puts me right out, but i can imagine the irritating feelings of people who aren't used to it. And then there's the crawling. All over your body crawling, like you're a puppy trying to find a comfortable spot trying out each side of the bed, with an unfortunately person in the middle. THIS, i believe, is what gets my parents. when you've spent the night with either of them, this is what they complain about the most. this image is what makes me laugh the hardest- because i know at this point, you aren't going to settle down anytime soon, and i can put you back in your crib. when you're at one of their houses, they can't do that. so they're stuck with a wriggling, wormy, sometimes snugly,  hand-hand-foot-hand mess of a night.

Last night. LAST NIGHT, we put you to bed, according to routine, and thought we were home free (sometimes you'll wake up) until about 11:00pm. this is when you came strutting out of the bedroom, hair mussed, eyes wide. Your father and i were completely astounded to see you! you told us (after asking the right questions) that you climbed out of your crib, using the side table and bed as a landing spot and that you didn't cry for very long, before you took your escape into your own capable hands and broke free.

it's definitely time to put you in your own bed, in your own room. Jesus.

had a couple of long nights though- you've been coughing, took you to the docs, they said it was just a cough (?). i did find out that you weigh 32 lbs, however. also- they are weighing you on the big-girl scale now, no more baby scales for you! and you don't have to take off all your clothes. boo hoo!!!

love you-

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 2011

It's been a few months, but please rest assure I've been thinking about your blog everyday. I just downloaded the blogger app to my iPhone, to make it easier to write to you when the mood strikes, which is usually at bedtime.

You are are amazing. I'm always telling people how incredible and wonderful and funny you are. Right now at two years and two and a half months you can say all of your abc's from beginning to end. And you can count to 13. When we starting learning the abc's I would say a letter and you'd repeat it, usually correctly, and when I got to "u" you would say "me". it was so damn cute. Now you know the whole alphabet and the song that goes with it.

Your favorite songs are the abc song, the wheels on the bus song, marching ants, sunshine, twinkle twinkle little star, bumblebee and a bunch of others. You love to sing! I sing a good night song to you everyone before bed after a bath and a book. You always say "one more" and the more drawn out and tired you say it, the sleepier I know your getting. Lately I've been singing amazing grace. It usually puts you right out.

You've started playing with barbies, and barbie houses and barbie clothes. you've told me that they are not babies, they are barbies. Got it! You eat almost everything we give you, so we try to stick to stuff we know you like to give you a little break. Your grandparents are absolutely spoiling you.

Monday and Tuesday during the week, your with them; wed-thurs your at kids camp, and Friday you get your dad, all day!

Samantha: you are the sweetest, most loving little girl a mommy and daddy could ever ask for. We are so blessed to be a family together. You tell us everyday "I love you", "your my best friend ever", and it never gets old.

Sometimes I worry about your attention span, and your temper. But i suppose that's normal. You are starting to make jokes, saying things to make us laugh. I love to make your daddy laugh. :)

This summer we've spent time at your grandpa dan's apartment pool going swimming. I got you some floaties so you can bob around, but it makes you a little insecure. You prefer hanging onto my neck. But you LOVE the water! Every time we go to dads house, you ask to go swimming. We have a bathing suit there for you, just in case. Both of my parents are completely in love with you, shower you with attention, and get a kick out of everything you say. It's nice. You speak so clearly and communicate so well, it's amazing! You are so smart! And so pretty. I would enter you into little girl pageants If I thought for a second you would conform to societal norms and smile on queue. but I think your above that.

You absorb absolutely everything! You are definitely a noticer like your dad. Everything that you're exposed to you file away like a little squirrel, to chew on later. It comes out in your play with your babies, sometimes unfortunately. Lol! You put them in "stime-out! For two minutes! For not listening!" "now sit dere!" ha ha ha!

Samantha, it's so hard for me to articulate how amazed I am by you. Everyday is filled with simple joy, and happiness and content. It's satisfying to hear you prattle on about something. Its wonderful to hear you speak, sing or boss. And yes, you are very bossy. We're still potty training, you get a sticker when you go, and it's so exciting! You love stickers and books and coloring and pretty things.

You are also a little mimicker. You do and say and try to be just like me or your dad. Its wonderful and cute!

I love you so much. It's almost unbearable. Your last weigh in at doc's was a couple of months ago- about 32 lbs. The doctor said you had chunky thighs. Rude. He said we may want to limit bad food ad try more protein and veggies. Were trying!

Your asleep in your crib next to our bed in our room, right now next to me. I can hear you breathing and I can't wait for the weekend, that's when we get to hang out all day and night.

I can't wait!
