Thursday, November 3, 2011


Little Sam. Today is daddy and mommy's 5 year anniversary. My goodness! I can't believe it's been 5 years since we got married, it feels like I've always been married and like it just happened. We've had a good marriage so far. But it's hard! It's hard to agree on things, it's sometimes hard to get along, and it's hard to live, everyday with the same person. but we love each other so much, it's hard for us to imagine being apart. We are truly soul mates, it's important for you to know that. Soul mates are very rare to come by, and I've always felt that if such an idear exists, we are a living example. Let's catch you up on a few things that have transpired: last Monday you fell out of your grandma Christi's Tahoe onto your shoulder and broke your collarbone. No one told us all day, because she didn't know. You had a good appetite, you played well but you kept your arm at your side and only every now and then told grandma you had a boo boo on your arm. When your grandpa go home he immediately thought something was wrong and had your dad meet up with you to take you to the hospital, whereby an X-ray was administered and a pretty broken clavicle was diagnosed. They put a little measly ace bandage around your shoulders, an sent you on your merry little two year old way, with the only instructions being: you'll heal. Oh, and be careful. WTF?! So I stayed home with you all week lat week, your da stayed with you on Friday, and sure enough you got better and better. We had a good time together and put your princess puzzle together over and I've again, about 50 times. (today you threw it down, I think it's getting to you too) in any case you went back to daycare today, and all is getting back to normal. Saturday we took pictures with some pumpkins down the street, there's a little church in Vance Jackson that we took you to that had a mini pumpkin patch. Sunday my parents came over and we carved some pumpkins! I made some spinach dip out of roasted sugar pumpkins and fruit cups and we ha a good time. I'm pretty sure you napped through it with your dad. MONDAY we dressed you up a a black and orange kitty and took you out for your first trick or treating adventure! It was awesome! You go a ton of loot, had a blast and looked ap cute doing it. Then u passed out.

I love you so so so so so much.

More to come later.


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