Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Here we are.

Communication is a wonderfully enigmatic subject. This is my first blog here, so we shall see how it goes. I typically don't keep up with my blogs, but we'll see how this works, and if i can get in the habit of updating regularly. I'm a 27 year old married Caucasian female, who lives in San Antonio, Texas with her husband and (soon to be none) two cats. My new landlord who recently purchased the house in which we live has let us know that kitties are not allow, thus- my friends that i have lived with and cared for for 3 years must go. :( It's sad, but i guess it's a part of life. it's just a hard part.
Here's a thought for you:
Xeroscaping (According to Wikipedia) refers to landscaping in ways that do not require supplemental irrigation. It is promoted in areas that do not have easily accessible supplies of fresh water. The word Xeriscaping was coined by combining xeros (Greek for "dry") with landscape. Plants whose natural requirements are appropriate to the local climate are emphasized, and care is taken to avoid losing water to evaporation and run-off.
I heard a news story on NPR on this subjects today and I'm looking and gaining interest in this and other similar subject recently. "Going Green" is prevalent in so much of our culture, and become more so. I'll be commenting on this in the future I'm sure.

I guess that's it for now- I'll blog more about myself later. for now-
